Payments over £100 in year 2020-2021
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Payments over £100 in year 2020-2021

Payments over £100 in year 2020/2021
WSALC & NSALC (Subscription) £409
CDC (annual fee for emptying bins) £574.70
M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £132.60

Surrey Hills Solicitors (legal expenses) £450.00

Stonepillow (donation) £100

Chestnut Tree House (donation) £100

T MacIntyre (April salary) £552.0

M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20

Access-by Design (annual fee to host website) £144.00

PDC Print (print run of "Sidlesham on the Home Front" £410.00

Came & Company (annual insurance premium) £1078.03

T MacIntyre (May salary) £552.08

H B Collins (strim & litter pick) £916.80

M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20

Western Sussex Charitable Funds T/A Love your Hsp Charity (donation to charity on behalf of Sidlesham Football Club in exchange for mowing, floodlights and fencing) £500.00

Sussex County FA (Membership fee) £150.00

T MacIntyre (June salary) £552.08

T MacIntyre (expenses March-June 2020) £162.00

JWL Installs Ltd (repair ground matting at playground) £1209.60

M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight and Memorial Playing Field) £596.40

T MacIntyre (July salary) £552.08

Groundwork UK (repay unspent Neighbourhood Plan grant) £1,585.81

Witterings Village Pre-School Ltd (repay cost of football pitch equipment) £554.80

M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight and Memorial Playing Field) £352.20

H B Colling (strim & litter pick) £1368.00

T MacIntyre (August salary) £552.08

Fisher Lane Groundcare (mow MPF pitches) £192.00

M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20

Non Domestic Rates Bill 2020/21 (1st instalment on MPF rates) £692.72

Fisher Lane Groundcare (mow pitches) £156.00

Satswana (annual Data Protection fee) £180.00

T MacIntyre (expenses July-September 2020) £433.18

CDC (contribution to MPP) £100

JPI Media Publishing (advertising for new Clerk) £653.28

KJC Trees (annual work on MPF trees) £540.00

Wyvern Garden Machinery (new lawn mower for MPF) £4,080.00

HB Collins (strim & litter pick) £916.80

M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20

Sidlesham PCC (Contribution to cost of mowing and tree work in churchyard) £750

Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group (contribution to information boards at Florence Pond & Willow Glen) £1,500

Mr H Platt (refund cost of security equipment for MPF mower) £164.92

Mr H Platt (refund cost of mower fuel and strimmer) £134.33

M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20

Wilbar Associates Ltd (install hinge and post for SID) £1050.00
JL Fire Safety Consultant (Fire Risk Assessment) £350.00
H B Colling (strim and litter pick) £1,209.60
Moore East Midlands (Annual external audit) £240.00

Castle Water  MPF Clubhouse water    127.18

SSE   Clubhouse electricity     622.95

Trojan   Bus Shelter Repair     440.00

MH Kennedy   Grass cut     113.50

JW Installs   Rebuild small mound      2500.00

Corina Hall    Expenses Clubhouse £142.87

Scanstation Parish Clerk Laptop repair      158.30

Trojan Fix door/roof of Electrics       295.00

Neil Hughes   Plumbing Clubhouse    150.00

Farrell Property Maint  Electrics Clubhouse    375.00

Farrell Property Maint   Electrics Clubhouse    625.00

Farrell Property Maint   Electrics Clubhouse      365.00

TJC Fencing Repairs to playground gate 326.80
CDC MPP Contribution 2021/22 200.00
Surrey Hills Creation of CIO 600.00
Westcotec Speed Indicator Device 2900.00
Caroline Mackenzie Salary Dec 2020 Jan 2021 1104.16
Harvey Collins Grass Cut and Litter Pick 288.00
Farrell Prop Maintainence Club house electrics 1125.00
Caroline Mackenzie Salary February 2021 552.08


 Harvey Collins  Grass Cut and Litter Pick                    288.00
 Farrell Prop Maintainence  Club house electrics                 1,125.00
 Caroline Mackenzie  Salary February 2021                    552.08
 Amstech  Asbestoc Removal                    350.00
 Business Stream  Waste Water Clubhouse                    123.77
 C Mackenzie  Salary March 2021                    606.67

