Minutes of Statutory Annual Parish Council Meeting 20th May 2020
Minutes of Sidlesham Parish Council Statutory Annual Meeting held electronically on Wednesday 20th May, 2020 at 7 pm
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mr R Ryder, Mrs C Hall, Mrs P Tull, Mr C Field, Mr L Ramm, Mr A Harland, Mrs Monnington and Mrs Gibson-House, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr C Purnell (CDC) and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
1. Election of Chairman
Mr Harland proposed and Mr Ryder seconded that Mr Mellodey be re-elected as Chairman. The PC agreed unanimously.
2. Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None
3. Apologies for Absence: None
4. Election of Vice Chairman.
5. Election of Chairman of Planning Committee
6. Members, Representatives and other appointments.
6.1 Planning Committee. (all Councillors)
6.2 Finance Work Group. (C, VC, 2 Councillors)
6.3 Appoint Parish Council Accounts Monitor
6.4 Appoint signatories for bank mandate
6.5 Assets and Amenities Work Group
6.6 Memorial Playing Field Work Group
6.7 Representative to Pagham Harbour Local Nature Reserve Community Meetings
6.8 Representative to Chichester District Association of Local Councils. (CDALC)
6.9 Representatives to Peninsula Community Forum. (PCF)
6.10 Approve membership of SSALC and appoint representative (up to 2)
6.11 Representative to Flood and Land Drainage Group.
6.12 Representative to Ferry Farm Solar Community Company
6.13 Representatives to Neighbourhood Plan Work Group
6.14 Representative to Manhood Parishes Action Group
It was decided unanimously that all Councillors remain in post until the PC is able to meet in the Church Hall. Therefore, Items 4 to 6.14 were deferred until that time.
7. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
8. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18th March 2020 to be signed as a correct record. Mrs Tull proposed and Mr Harland seconded that the minutes be signed. All agreed.
9. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
10. WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn had submitted a report which had been circulated. He had reported that West Sussex had relatively few confirmed cases of Covid 19 compared to some parts of the country. It has sufficient PPE stocks for its own needs at the current level of use. It has adequate acute hospital capacity and continues to work to secure more care and nursing home beds. The Community Hub Front Door system went live on 25th March. Food and essential supplies continue to be the main reason for contact. Schools are planning a phased return from 1st June. The Transport Secretary has launched a £250 million emergency travel fund intended to encourage cycling and walking through pop-up cycle lanes, wider pavements, safer junctions and bus-only corridors. WSCC’s share of the fund has not been published. Waste sites have been opened for garden and general household waste. The range of waste accepted will be extended from 1st June 2020.
Civil Aviation has allowed for sport flying again between 9am and 5 pm and not on Saturdays or Sundays.
The Public Rights of Way inspectors will resume their inspection programme from 1st June. There is a backlog and no volunteers will be used at this stage, therefore they will operate a reduced programme.
Mr Mellodey thanked Cllr Montyn for his reports to the PC which have kept Councillors informed during Covid 19 lockdown.
11. CDC Councillor
Cllr Purnell informed the PC that CDC is working hard to process business loans and all are now out. CDC is working on the District’s recovery plans. The Planning Committee has held its first virtual meeting.
12. Memorial Playing Field
Mr Mellodey had circulated a report on the current situation and actions taken. Sidlesham Football Club will clear the building before 31st May when they leave the ground and it is hoped that they will mow the grass one more time before leaving. Mr Mellodey has been in touch with Sussex FA in relation to their offer of grant funding for pitch conditioning. Mr Mellodey’s report outlined the possibilities for mowing the grass, including using outside contractors or buying a mower; a local parishioner has offered to mow the grass using a PC owned mower. The Clerk had circulated 2 quotations for mowing by contractors. No decision was taken and the Clerk was asked to enquire if she could obtain further quotations from contractors which might be less expensive. Talks are continuing with Chichester City Ladies Football Club and Chichester Technical College. Both are interested in using the pitches and Mr Mellodey proposed that the PC agree by a show of hands that he and Mr Ryder continue to discuss possible arrangements with them. All agreed.
13. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
13.1 Selsey to Chichester Greenway Project
It was asked whether the Greenway cycle project might benefit from the extra £250 m emergency travel fund from central government. Cllr Montyn replied that at present WSCC does not know how much of the fund will be allocated to WSCC but this money is intended more for emergency ‘pop-up’ schemes than major long term projects.
13.2 Cllr Purnell reported that the car parks at Bracklesham Bay and East Wittering have been reopened. The car parks in Selsey are due to be opened on 21st May. West Wittering car park is opening on 27th May, but those using it will be limited to members and people who have logged on and booked a place. Cllr Montyn will email West Wittering’s press release for the Clerk to circulate.
14. Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
14.1 Mrs Hall requested agreement for the purchase of additional sand for the playground. All agreed. Mr Ramm offered to contact Covers to enquire if they could offer a competitive price for 3 tons of playground sand. .
15. New Homes Bonus
The PC has an allocation of £3,107 from the New Homes Bonus fund. The following suggestions were proposed.
• Information boards at Florence Pond and Willow Glen. It has been decided that this will be funded from the Flood Fund.
• New mower for Memorial Playing Field. Mrs Hall had an offer of a 2nd hand mower which she felt could give the PC an asset which could be sold if the PC later decided to employ a contractor. A volunteer has offered to mow the field, without cost, for the first year. Cllr Montyn added that the PC must check on the insurance cover when using a volunteer on a PC mower. The Clerk had circulated 2 quotations from contractors to mow the field. There was debate on whether to buy a mower or employ professional contractors. It was decided that members of the PC involved in maintaining the MPF meet, perhaps at the field, to discuss the options for keeping the grass down and pitches maintained.
• CCTV for MPF. Mrs Hall had circulated a quotation for CCTV. Mr Lewis reported that his company had installed CCTV recently at a considerably lower cost.
The Clerk has a conference call with the Community Engagement Manager at CDC when she will raise the above options for his opinion and will report back to the PC.
16. Finance
16.1 Income
16.1 CDC (Precept payment) £18,233.00
16.2 CDC (grant from VE75 fund) £250.00
16.3 Sidlesham Football Club (use of pitch and Chichester City Ladies Club contribution) £95.00
16.2 Payments
16.2.1 Good Companions Transport Club (charitable donation) £200
16.2.2 Stonepillow (charitable donation) £100
16.2.3 Home Start (charitable donation) £100
16.2.4 Chestnut Tree House (charitable donation) £100
16.2.5 Samaritans (charitable donation) £100
16.2.6 Arun & Chi CAB (charitable donation) £100
16.2.7 Sidlesham PCC (hire of hall) £207.50
16.2.8 T MacIntyre (expenses Sept 2019-March 2020) £302.46
16.2.9 T MacIntyre (March salary) £537.50
16.2.10 Unity Trust Bank (quarterly service charge) £18.00
16.2.11 The Academy Selsey (donation for prize) £25.00
16.2.12 M H Kennedy & Son (mow Paddock Straight) £132.60
16.2.13 CDC (Annual fee for emptying of bins) £574.70
16.2.14 WSALC (WSALC and NALC subscriptions ) £409.05
16.2.15 Surrey Hills Solicitors (legal advice) £450.00
16.2.16 T MacIntyre (April salary) £552.08
16.2.17 Stonepillow (20/21 donation) £100.00
16.2.18 Chestnut Tree House (20/21 donation) £100.00
16.2.19 PDS Print (print of Sidlesham on Home Front booklets) £410.00
16.2.20 Access-by Design (annual hosting of website fee) £144.00
16.2.21 M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20
16.2.22 Mrs F Fields (audit of accounts) £90.00
16.2.23 Came & Co (annual insurance premium) £1078.03
Mr Mellodey proposed that Items 16.1 to 16.2.24 be taken en bloc. All councillors agreed and approved unanimously.
16.3 Approve Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of Annual Return) for 2019-20
Mr Mellodey proposed and Mr Harland seconded that the Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Return (Section 1) be approved. All Councillors agreed.
16.4 Approve Accounts and Annual Return for 2019-2020
The Clerk had circulated the Annual Return and all relevant accounts documents. Mr Harland proposed and Mr Mellodey seconded that the accounts be approved. Approved unanimously.
16.5 Appoint Mrs F Fields as Internal Auditor for 2020/21 at cost of £90.
All councillors agreed to appoint Mrs Fields as Internal Auditor for 2020/21.
16.6 Approve Financial Risk Document for 2020/2021
Mrs Tull proposed and Mrs Hall seconded that the Financial Risk document be approved. All councillors agreed.
16.7 Approve SPC Asset Register 2020-21
Mr Field proposed that the PC approve the Asset Register for 2020-21. Mrs Hall seconded the proposal and all agreed.
16. Reports
16.1 The Clerk had circulated Hunston’s draft Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan for consultation. Mr Field felt that the PC should study the document and respond. Mr Field suggested that the link be forwarded to those taking part in writing Sidlesham’s Plan; it could give some guidance into the construction of our own NP. Mr Field will read the document and forward his comments for the Clerk to circulate.
17. Correspondence. None.
18. Matters of urgent public importance. None
19. Matters of Information. Mr Mellodey congratulated Mr Field on his booklet: Sidlesham on the Home Front. All agreed that it was well produced and a suitable way to commemorate VE75 at this time of lock down.
Meeting closed at 8.20 pm