Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on 26th August 2020
Minutes of Sidlesham Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting on
Wednesday, 26th August 2020 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.00 pm
All members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.
Present: Mr A Harland (Chairman), Mr M Mellodey, Mr C Field, Mrs P Tull, Mr L Ramm, Mrs C Hall, and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
1. Apologies for absence: Cllr C Purnell, Cllr D Johnson, Mrs M Monnington, Mr R Ryder and Mrs L Gibson-House.
2. Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 18th March 2020 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Mellodey proposed and Mrs Tull seconded that the Minutes be signed. All agreed.
3. Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None
4. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below: None.
5. Confirmation of Planning Application discussed by email
23rd April 2020
5.1 SI/20/00753/FUL - 79 Fletchers Lane, Sidlesham, PO20 7QG
Erection of 1 no. 3 bed custom/self-build dwelling - Alternative to dwelling permitted planning permission SI/17/01148/FUL - Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission SI/18/02348/FUL - to allow minor changes to roof eaves, pitch and changes to fenestration. No objection
5.2 SI/20/00675/PNO - Marsh Farm, Church Farm Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Winter cattle shed. No objection
5.3 SI/20/00834/PA3PA - Green Lane Piggeries Ham Road Sidlesham Chichester
Change of Use from Class B1(c) (Light Industrial) to Class C3 (Dwellinghouse).
(No objection)
1st May 2020
5.4 SI/20/00851/PNO - Fairfields Ham Road Sidlesham PO20 7NX
Construction of 2 no. reservoirs to hold winter abstracted water for irrigating summer crops.
Notification has been received from CDC that Prior Approval is not required. Therefore, no comment by Sidlesham PC.
5.5 SI/20/00883/PA3Q - Willowdene Nursery Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (Class C3) and associated works.
The PC objects to the Application. This is the third application on the property and will result in over intensification of the site. In addition, the glasshouse is very close to the building and the pitch of the roof is unsuitable for conversion.
5.6 SI/20/00901/FUL - Chalk Lane Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Demolition of existing barn and pigsty replaced with 1 no. dwelling. Removal of condition 16 from planning permission SI/19/02417/FUL.
The PC objects to this application. It fully supported Condition 16 in CDC’s decision on the 2019 application and would like that condition to remain in place.
5.7 SI/20/00938/PA3Q - Saltwinds 86 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Conversion of existing agricultural buildings designed wholly within existing footprint with minimal external alterations.
The PC objects to the above Planning Application. The building nearest Fletchers Lane has been confirmed by the applicant as a building used to house tractor units in the past, and is probably in a sound enough state to be converted. The other 2 are not. In addition, the council believes there is not a single platform on which a new property could be converted, requiring additional foundations to be constructed. The council is also mindful of the CDC planners’ reasons for refusing application 20/00200/PA3Q, and feel the same reasons for refusal of this application equally apply.
5.8 SI/20/00924/ELD - Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Existing lawful development certificate for the change of use of building to a single dwelling house.
The PC objects to this Planning Application. The evidence of occupation provided in the tenancy agreement ends in January 2015. The PC has been informed that the building has not been occupied since that date. The proposed application shows an intention to install windows to the south side of the shed which would, if granted, overlook the neighbouring property. When taken in conjunction with Planning Applications 19/03112/FUL and 19/02876/FUL (yet to be decided) for an additional 8 gypsy caravan pitches, the plot of land will be heavily over developed.
5.9 SI/20/00888/FUL - Windward Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Erection of a single storey timber clad office building with associated parking and landscaping.
The PC objects to the Application. The Application provides insufficient parking spaces: 6 spaces for 7 offices. In addition, the hours of business should not include Saturdays after 1 pm and no work on Sundays. If the PC’s reasons for objection re parking spaces and hours of business can be agreed, then the council would withdraw its objection. Should CDC be minded to grant this application, the PC requests a caveat be imposed that the building cannot be converted to residential accommodation at a future date.
5.10 SI/20/00886/FUL - Land South East Of Chichester Canvas, Chichester Road Sidlesham PO20 7PY
Change use of section of agricultural field to car park for Chichester Canvas and associated operational development involved in laying of the car park.
No objection.
20th May 2020
5.11 SI/20/00915/FUL - Jamic Nursery Street End Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RG
Demolition of 2 no. timber buildings and construction of 1 no. replacement timber building to be used for dog training, dog grooming, physiotherapy and business office and erection of 1 no. shed.
The Parish Council has no objection to the buildings. However, councillors would like the caveat imposed that these buildings will not be converted to dwellings in the future: they are not agricultural/horticultural buildings.
5.12 SI/20/00942/DOM & SI/20/00943/LBC - Quay House Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LX
Alterations to ancillary building
The PC objects to the Application. It considers the proposed alterations to be overdevelopment of a listed property. Should CDC be minded to grant permission, the PC would like the caveat imposed that the building remains ancillary to the main house.
5.13 SI/20/01055/FUL - 15 Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Demolition of existing outbuildings and replacement with 2 no. dwelllings following Prior Approval applications 19/02969/PA3Q and 19/01889/PA3Q
The PC has no objection to the design of the 2 dwellings.
5.14 SI/20/00961/FUL - 84 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Erection of 1 no. 3 bed bungalow as alternative to planning permission SI/17/03665/FUL.
The PC objects to the above Application. The new building will not be on the site of the previous PA3Q grant of permission, nor does it appear that the original shed will be demolished. The north and south walls of the new property would be built immediately against the property boundary line. If the existing shed, for which planning permission was previously obtained, is not demolished, it should lose its right to apply for PA3Q conversion in the future.
5.15 SI/20/01020/FUL - Solufeed Ltd The Depot Chichester Road Sidlesham Common
Extension to industrial building.
No objection.
5.16 SI/20/01077/PNO - Chalder Farm Chalder Lane Sidlesham Chichester
General purpose agricultural building.
No objection.
5.17 SI/20/01126/DOM - Longreach 14A Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Erection of double garage and store. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission SI/19/03123/DOM to enable amended siting for permitted outbuilding. Change approved 'Drawing 3 - Proposed Site Plan' to 'Drawing 3A - Proposed Site Plan'.
No objection.
5.18 SI/20/01125/FUL - Longreach , 14A Chalk Lane, Sidlesham, PO20 7LW
Erection of agricultural barn to house machinery. Amended siting and design to planning permission SI/18/01584/FUL.
No objection.
16th June 2020
5.19 SI/20/00968/FUL - The Granary, Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LX
Replacement single storey outbuilding on site of existing store building - with 12 no. photovoltaic panels on south facing elevation.
No objection.
5.20 SI/20/00508/FUL - 22 Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Erection of 2 no. dwellings.
The Parish Council objects to the Application. They are new builds and Sidlesham has a policy which does not allow new building in the parish: only replacement buildings on the footprint of existing buildings or small scale social housing are permitted.
5.21 SI/20/01215/FUL - Chalk Lane Nursery, Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Erection of new dwelling to include rooms in roof - Alternative to planning permission SI/19/02417/FUL
No objection.
5.22 SI/20/01247/LBC - Easton Farmhouse Easton Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Relocation of replacement garage (approved under SI/17/01292/LIS).
No objection.
5.23 SI/20/00712/DOM - Highleigh Farmhouse, Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7NR
Erection of freestanding greenhouse.
No objection.
16th July 2020
5.24 2.1 SI/20/00705/DOM - The Sheepwash Ham Road Sidlesham Chichester
Single storey side extension and alterations. Renewal of planning permission SI/05/00360/DOM.
No objection.
5.25 SI/20/01021/FUL - 4 Cow Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LN
Demolition of an existing agricultural storage building and the construction of 1 no. 3 bed 1.5 storey dwelling, ancillary to main dwelling.
The PC objects to this Application. The conversion of an existing agricultural building should be a PA3Q Application. Should CDC be minded to grant planning consent, the PC would like the condition that the new dwelling should remain ancillary to the main house and not be sold as a separate unit.
5.26 SI/20/01330/FUL - Land Adjacent To Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Change of use of land to travellers’ caravan site consisting of 2 no. pitches each containing 1 no. mobile home and ancillary development (re-submission of 19/02876/FUL).
The Parish Council strongly objects to this application. There are currently three applications submitted for, collectively, an additional 7 gypsy and traveller caravan pitches on this site, plus an ELD application for change of use to a dwelling house. In addition, an Appeal has been submitted for 7 pitches for gypsy/traveller caravans, 16 car spaces and 7 touring vans which would constitute between 11 and 17 gypsy/traveller pitches in all. This is effectively creating a housing development in an area which does not permit new building, only replacement building and small scale social housing. The parish of Sidlesham covers a large area with a relatively small population but most of the land, and particularly that in the Keynor Lane area is Grade 1 and 2 agricultural/horticultural land. A plot of caravans of this size would be overwhelming for the residents in the locality. The PC has received CCTV footage of loud noise through the night and aggressive, threatening behaviour from the occupiers of the 4 caravans already in place towards their neighbours.
It is an inappropriate development in a Horticultural Development Area and would result in overdevelopment in this historic area of Land Settlement Association properties. Sidlesham has had several applications for gypsy traveller sites recently and it feels that it is developing a disproportionate concentration of such sites. It already has over 10% of gypsy/traveller plots of Chichester District Council’s allocation.
A site of this size (11/17 mobile homes, plus associated cars and touring caravans) would dominate the lane. Chalk Lane is a narrow, single track, windy, private road (in places only 3.1m wide) and unsuitable for long, high sided vehicles. The lane and drive would create congestion and would not allow for turning or emergency vehicles to access the site. No space has been allowed for landscaping or communal recreation for children. The area already suffers from flooding and if the plot is to be laid to hard standing, this will exacerbate local drainage problems. The PC believes that a site of this size will harm the ecology of the area, given its proximity to Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve and Medmerry.
Therefore, Sidlesham strongly objects: these ad hoc, speculative developments are having a cumulative effect on the area.
5.27 SI/20/01331/FUL - Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Change of use of land to Gypsy and Traveller caravan site consisting of 2 no. pitches each containing 2 no. mobile home, 1 no. utility dayroom (resubmission of SI/20/0647/FUL).
Object, as in item 2.3 above.
5.28 SI/20/01489/TCA - Mill House 8 Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LU
Notification of intention to prune crown to historic pruning points this will leave a crown spread of 3.5m (radius) on all sides. Height reduce crown to 8m and crown thin by 10%.
No objection.
5.29 SI/20/01383/FUL - 62 Street End Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RG
Conversion 2 no. ancillary outbuildings to allow for flexible C3 ancillary use or 2 no. 2 bed tourist units.
The PC objects to this application. The structural survey is unclear as to whether the 1940’s foundations would support 2 new tourist units.
5.30 SI/20/01546/PA3PA - Unit F And G Green Lane Piggeries Ham Road Sidlesham
Change of Use from Class B1(c) (Light Industrial) to Class C3 (Dwellinghouse).
The PC objects to this Application. It considers it to be overdevelopment of the site. Sidlesham has a policy which does not allow new building in the parish, only replacement buildings on the footprint of existing buildings or small scale social housing. It does not consider the existing building to be of agricultural/horticultural use.
5.31 SI/20/01470/FUL - 3 Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Change of use of land to mixed use for siting of residential caravans for 3 no. pitch Gypsy Traveller site with associated development (hard standing, fencing and utility buildings) on land forming part of 3 Melita Nursery -part retrospective.
The PC objects as in Item 2.3 above.
5.32 SI/20/01418/FUL - Longreach 14A Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Replacement B1/B8 unit.
The PC does not object on condition that the building cannot be converted to residential use at a later date.
5.33 SI/20/01317/FUL - Land East Of Highleigh Barn Bremere Lane Sidlesham West Sussex
Construction of an agricultural store.
No objection. The PC would like a caveat imposed that the store cannot be converted to a dwelling in the future and will remain ancillary to the main house.
7th August 2020
5.34 SI/20/01668/PA3Q - 11 Cow Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7LN
Proposed change of use of 2 existing sheds from Agriculture to 2 no Dwellings.
The PC objects to the Application. Insufficient information was available. No building surveyor’s report has been provided to support the view that the sheds are of sound structure, capable of conversion. Observation of the shed nearest the road indicates that it would not be capable of conversion without prior demolition. Where the Application says “see statement”, no statement appears to have been added to the application.
5.35 SI/20/01730/LBC - Highleigh Pound, Highleigh Road, Sidlesham, Chichester, PO20 7QP
Replacement porch.
No objection.
5.36 SI/20/01108/DOM - El-Es-Ay Keynor Lane Sidlesham PO20 7NL
Two storey side extension.
No objection.
5.37 SI/20/00886/FUL - Land South East Of Chichester Canvas Chichester Road Sidlesham PO20 7PY Change use of section of agricultural field to car park for Chichester Canvas and associated operational development involved in laying of the car park.
No objection.
5.38 SI/20/01799/FUL - Chalk Lane Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Erection of new dwelling to include rooms in roof.
No objection.
5.39 SI/20/01350/FUL - 14 Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Demolition of agricultural building and erection of 1. no 3 bedroom dwelling (class use C3) as alternative to SI/17/03694/PA3Q.
No objection.
5.40 SI/20/01700/PLD - 89 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Proposed double garage 6m x 6m.
No objection.
5.41 SI/20/01133/DOM - 8 Bremere Lane, Sidlesham, PO20 7BN
Change of loft space to habitable accommodation with 2no. dormer windows to front elevation and 3no. dormer windows to the rear elevation.
No objection.
It was agreed by all Councillors that Items 5.1 to 5.41 be confirmed en bloc.
6. New Planning Application for Discussion
6.1 SI/20/01389/FUL - Land North Of Swan Cottage Selsey Road Sidlesham West Sussex
Erection of 2 storey dwelling, garage and vehicular access off Selsey Road.
The Parish Council objects to this Application. Sidlesham has a policy which does not allow new building in the parish, only replacement buildings on the footprint of existing buildings or small scale social housing are permitted.
In addition, access onto the B2145 at that point would be unsafe. A 30 mph limit is in place but drivers routinely exceed the limit. Due to the bend in the road at the Church Farm Lane junction, the access is impossible to see until drivers are at the site. Similarly, vehicles travelling north are obscured by the bend in the road until at the site. Although decelerating, vehicles are invariably over the 30 mph limit.
PC has identified the importance of maintaining the open character of the area by ensuring the existing gaps between properties are maintained. This gap is important and avoids the coalescence of buildings and the creation of “ribbon type development”.
The PC noted that a previous application to build on this land was refused on Appeal in 2016.
Unanimous decision.
6.2 SI/20/01966/ELD - 3 Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Certificate of existing lawful development for construction and use of a building as a single dwelling-house falling with use class C3.
The PC objects to the Application. The dwelling is a mobile home, not a fixed building and therefore does not qualify for ELD status. All agreed.
6.3 SI/20/01967/ELD - 4 Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Certificate of existing lawful development for construction and use of a building as a single dwelling-house falling within use class C3.
The PC objects to the Application. The dwelling is a mobile home, and has not been converted to a fixed building. Therefore it does not qualify for ELD status. All agreed
6.4 SI/20/01981/FUL - Land South Of Telephone Exchange Selsey Road Sidlesham West Sussex
Proposed private stable block and associated hard standing. New access to the highway. (Variation of condition 2 of permission 18/02925/FUL - amended the plan numbers to reflect the materials used in the construction of the building).
The PC has no objection to this change to the previous planning consent. It would, however, like the condition added that the building cannot be converted to a dwelling or sold off as a separate unit. All agreed.
6.5 SI/20/01331/FUL - Melita Nursery, Chalk Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7LW
Change of use of land to Gypsy and Traveller caravan site consisting of a single pitch, 1 no. mobile home and 1 no. utility dayroom (resubmission of SI/20/0647/FUL)
The PC objects to the Application. It is an inappropriate development in a Horticultural Designated Area and would result in overdevelopment in this historic area of Land Settlement Association properties. Sidlesham has had several applications for gypsy traveller sites recently and it feels that it is developing a disproportionate concentration of such sites. It already has over 10% of gypsy traveller plots in Chichester District.
Chalk Lane is a narrow, windy, private road (in places only 3.1m wide) and unsuitable for long, high sided vehicles. The lane and drive would create congestion and would not allow for turning or emergency vehicles to access the site. The area already suffers from flooding and if the plot is to be laid to hard standing, this will exacerbate local drainage problems.
The PC has serious concerns with regard to expansion at Melita Nursery and the number of Planning Applications submitted. It would like CDC to conduct a thorough review of the site. All agreed.
7. New Planning Decisions
7.1 SI/19/01193/FUL - Units 1 To 7 Purchase Farm Easton Lane Sidlesham PO20 7NU
Vehicular access; use of buildings for purposes within Use Classes B1 and B8 and for vehicle and boat repair and maintenance; retention of 4 no. portacabins and 5 no. storage containers for ancillary purposes; extension to existing parking areas with associated landscaping(retrospective application). PERMIT.
7.2 SI/20/01021/FUL - 4 Cow Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LN
Demolition of an existing agricultural storage building and the construction of 1 no. 3 bed 1.5 storey dwelling, ancillary to main dwelling. REFUSE.
7.3 SI/19/02835/DOM - 14 Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Demolition of conservatory and erection of two storey side and rear extensions. PERMIT.
7.4 SI/20/00915/FUL - Jamic Nursery, Street End Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RG
Demolition of 2 no. timber buildings and construction of 1 no. replacement timber building to be used for dog training, dog grooming, physiotherapy and business office and erection of 1 no. shed. PERMIT.
7.5 SI/20/01489/TCA - Mill House, 8 Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LU
Notification of intention to prune crown to historic pruning points this will leave a crown spread of 3.5m (radius) on all sides. Height reduce crown to 8m and crown thin by 10%. NOT TO PREPARE A TREE PRESERVATION ORDER.
7.6 SI/20/01470/FUL - 3 Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Change of use of land to mixed use for siting of residential caravans for 3 no. pitch Gypsy Traveller site with associated development (hard standing, fencing and utility buildings) on land forming part of 3 Melita Nursery -part retrospective. REFUSE.
7.7 SI/20/01546/PA3PA
Unit F And G Green Lane Piggeries Ham Road Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7NS
Change of Use from Class B1(c) (Light Industrial) to Class C3 (Dwellinghouse).
8. Planning Decisions noted by email
8.1 SI/20/00155/TCA - The Vicarage, Church Farm Lane Sidlesham PO20 7RE
Notication of intention to fell 3 no. Leyland Cypress trees (marked on plan as T1-T3). Crown reduce height and widths by up to 2m and crown lift by up to 2.5m (above ground level) on 1 no. Yew tree (marked on plan as T4). NOT TO PREPARE A TREE PRESERVATION ORDER.
8.2 SI/20/00167/FUL - Anchor Farm 61 Street End Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7RG
Siting of caravan/lodge and change of use of land from agricultural to residential. REFUSE.
8,3 SI/20/00623/PNO3R - Longreach 14A Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Use of building (aggregate floor area not exceeding 150 sqm) for a flexible commercial use, namely for Classes B1 and B8 purposes. Raise No Objection.
8,4 SI/20/00647/FUL - Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Change of use of land to Gypsy and Traveller caravan site consisting of 4 no. pitches each containing 1 no. mobile home, 1 no. utility dayroom and associated development. WITHDRAWN.
8.5 SI/19/03085/FUL - Chalk Meadow Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Agricultural workers dwelling (Removal of condition 4 or permission 01/01360/FUL - agricultural occupancy restriction). REFUSE.
8.6 SI/20/00675/PNO - Marsh Farm Church Farm Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7RP
8.7 SI/20/00741/TCA - Thornes Mill Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7NA
Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Magnolia Grandiflora tree.
8.8 SI/20/00396/ADJ - Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7NE
Approval of details reserved by conditions imposed under P/97/15/PL relating to conditions 4-programme of archaeological investigation & mitigation; 5-final plans & details concerning design & construction of Tern Islant compensation measure; 6-adaptave management plan setting out how harbour opening will be monitored & how approved compensation/mitigation measures will be reviewed; 7-details of proposed mitigation measures to be employed on sections of remaining Spit; 8-management plan for proposed Little Tern Island compensation measure; 9-Construction Management Plan; 14- scheme detailing deployment of tide gauge within the harbour to monitor tidal height & tidal behaviour. No Objections raised.
8.9 SI/20/00851/PNO - Fairfields Ham Road Sidlesham PO20 7NX
Construction of 2 no. reservoirs to hold winter abstracted water for irrigating summer crops.
8.10 SI/20/00706/LBC - The Sheepwash Ham Road Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7NX
Single storey side extension and alterations. Renewal of listed building consent SI/05/00357/LBC. PERMIT.
8.11 SI/20/00883/PA3Q - Willowdene Nursery Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester PO20 7QG
Notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (Class C3) and associated works. PRIOR APPROVAL IS REQUIRED & HEREBY REF.
8.12 SI/20/01077/PNO - Chalder Farm Chalder Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7RN General purpose agricultural building. PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED.
8.13 SI/20/00901/FUL - Chalk Lane Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW Demolition of existing barn and pigsty replaced with 1 no. dwelling. Removal of condition 16 from planning permission SI/19/02417/FUL. .REFUSE.
8.14 SI/20/00938/PA3Q - Saltwinds 86 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester PO20 7QG
Conversion of existing agricultural buildings designed wholly within existing footprint with minimal external alterations. PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIRED HEREBY PERMITTED.
8.15 SI/19/02876/FUL - Land Adjacent To Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Change of use of land to travellers caravan site consisting of 4 no. pitches each containing 1 no. mobile home and ancillary development. – REFUSE.
8/16 SI/19/03112/FUL - Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW Change of use of land to rear of dwelling for siting of residential caravans for 7 no. pitch Gypsy Traveller site with associated development (hard standing fencing and 3 no. utility buildings). REFUSE.
8.17 SI/20/00888/FUL - Windward Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Erection of a single storey timber clad office building with associated parking and landscaping. REFUSE
SI/20/00942/DOM - Quay House Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LX
Alterations to ancillary building. PERMIT.
8.18 SI/20/00943/LBC - Quay House Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LX
Alterations to ancillary building. PERMIT.
8.19 SI/20/00961/FUL - 84 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Erection of 1 no. 3 bed bungalow as alternative to planning permission SI/17/03665/FUL. REFUSE.
8.20 SI/20/01055/FUL - 15 Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Demolition of existing outbuildings and replacement with 2 no. dwelllings following Prior Approval
applications 19/02969/PA3Q and 19/01889/PA3Q. REFUSE.
8.21 SI/20/01020/FUL - Solufeed Ltd The Depot Chichester Road Sidlesham Common PO20 7PY
Extension to industrial building. PERMIT.
8.22 SI/20/01125/FUL - Longreach 14A Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Erection of agricultural barn to house machinery. Amended siting and design to planning permission SI/18/01584/FUL. PERMIT.
8.23 SI/20/01126/DOM - Longreach 14A Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Erection of double garage and store. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission SI/19/03123/DOM to enable amended siting for permitted outbuilding. Change approved 'Drawing 3 - Proposed Site Plan' to 'Drawing 3A - Proposed Site Plan'. PERMIT.
SI/20/01394/PNO3R - Little Oak Bonsai Street End Lane Sidlesham Chichester PO20 7RG
Notification for Prior Approval for a proposed change of use of building (aggregate floor area not exceeding 150 sq m) for a flexible commercial use (classes use B1 and B8). NO OBJECTION.
8.24 SI/20/00508/FUL - 22 Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Erection of 2 no. dwellings. REFUSE.
8.25 SI/20/00622/FUL - Red Barn Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7NE
Erection of new build dwelling as alternative to planning permission SI/17/02510/FUL for Change of use of building from Class B8 (Storage) to Class C3 (Dwellinghouse) along with associated external changes to building. (Variation of condition 2 from planning permission SI/19/01545/FUL - Changes to fenestration).
8.26 SI/20/01215/FUL - Chalk Lane Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Erection of new dwelling to include rooms in roof - Alternative to planning permission SI/19/02417/FUL
8.27 SI/20/00924/ELD - Melita Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Existing lawful development certificate for the change of use of building to a single dwelling house. PERMIT.
8.28 SI/20/00968/FUL - The Granary Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LX
Replacement single storey outbuilding on site of existing store building - with 12 no. photovoltaic panels on south facing elevation. PERMIT.3.6 SI/20/01394/PNO3R - Little Oak Bonsai Street End Lane Sidlesham Chichester PO20 7RG
Notification for Prior Approval for a proposed change of use of building (aggregate floor area not exceeding 150 sq m) for a flexible commercial use (classes use B1 and B8). NO OBJECTION.
9. Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
10. Matters of Information.
10.1 19/02840/FULEIA |- Medmerry Park Stoney Lane Earnley Chichester West Sussex PO20 7JP
Hybrid planning application - Full application for the redevelopment of Medmerry Park to provide 518 static holiday caravans and lodges in lieu of 308 holiday bungalows and associated works including drainage, landscaping, habitat enhancement areas, access roads, footpaths and a comprehensive flood defence scheme including bund. Outline planning application for the part demolition of the existing facility buildings and erection of replacement facility buildings together with extension/refurbishment of existing facility buildings (with all matters reserved except for access).
Following an electronic meeting on 5th May 2020, the PC submitted the following comments to CDC:
Sidlesham Parish Council, although not a statutory consultee on the above Planning Application, had serious concerns regarding the overdevelopment of land in an important rural area of outstanding natural beauty. The extensive site covered in the application covers an ecologically sensitive area close to Medmerry and Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve. 50% of the Medmerry tidal lagoon, the eastern part, is in Sidlesham and the PC is concerned that this whole area is preserved as a natural habitat. Medmerry lagoon is a key outlet for two, if not three rifes and CDC should be very aware of disturbing the natural water flow with the works planned and ensure that any development will not impinge on that. The effect on local flora and fauna and the environment in general from light pollution and significantly increased atmospheric pollution from increased traffic will be detrimental. Both the A286 and the B2145 struggle to cope with traffic congestion in summer. The increased traffic along the main roads from Chichester will inevitably lead to an increase in the regular tailbacks already suffered by those on the Manhood Peninsula. In addition, when the A286 is blocked, as it regularly is, satnav devices will lead drivers to travel along Almodington Lane, a small windy lane and potentially foster the development of a rat-run through Easton Lane and up to Highleigh.
Sidlesham PC believes CDC needs to look carefully at sewage capacity. We know that Southern water is responsible in theory but the extra strain on sewage infrastructure will have consequences on the surrounding area’s systems which we know are fragile. The capability of Sidlesham works needs to be examined in detail.
Lastly, we already have a preponderance of large holiday villages in the area with Bunns, Pagham and many others in the Witterings/Bracklesham area. Yet another large development is going to seriously damage the character of the area as an unspoilt coastal area, one of the few remaining on the south coast.
Noted and confirmed by SPC.
Meeting closed at 7.30.