Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on 20th June 2018
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Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting on 20th June 2018

Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 20th June 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham at 7.00 pm

Members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.

Present: Mrs P Bedford (Chairman), Mr M Mellodey, Mrs M Monnington, Mrs C Ranjbar, Dr F Lewis, Mr R Ryder and Mrs C Hall, 4 members of the public, Cllr P Tull and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.

1.           Apologies for absence:  Mr A Harland and Mrs U Pearce.
2.      Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 16th May 2018 to be signed as a correct record. Mrs Monnington proposed and Mrs Hall seconded the proposal.  6 agreed and 1 abstained.
3.    Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.  None
4.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below:
4.1    Conversion of agricultural/horticultural buildings, including glasshouses, without consent.  Letters have been exchanged between the PC and Mr Frost, CDC Head of Planning. There is to be a further meeting.
6.    New Planning Application for Discussion
6.1    SI/18/01218 SI/18/01218/TCA - The Poplars Mill Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Leyland Cypress tree (T1), 1 no. Golden Leyland Cypress tree (T2), 1 no. Robinia tree (T3), 1 no. Bay tree (T4) 1 no. Pittosporum tree (T5), 4 no. Cypress trees (T6, T8-T10) and 1 no. Laburnum tree (T7).  O.S. Grid Ref. 485731/97490
The PC has no objection to the removal of the trees, where necessary.  The PC would, however, like the applicant to replant with indigenous species to maintain the character of the road.  All agreed.
5.2    SI/18/00209/FUL - 36 Chalk Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LW
Change of use to dwellinghouse and external changes including new roof to building that
has change of use permitted under Class P Prior Approval for Change of Use from Class
B1(c) (light industrial to Class C3 (dwellinghouse) under SI/17/03337/PA3PA.
Although the PC maintains its view that the building is unsuitable for conversion, it does not object to the alterations to the design of the proposed building.  Unanimous decision.
5.3    SI/18/01173/FUL - Land South Of Recreation Grounds At Junction Of Keynor Lane Sidlesham Change of use of land from agricultural land for stationing of caravans for residential purposes by 3 gypsy-traveller families with facilitating development (utility buildings, hard standing, widened gateway, septic tank  and landscaping).   O.S. Grid Ref. 485659/97768
The Parish Council objects to this proposal. The development is substantially the same as that submitted under SI/17/02640/FUL and the reasons for refusal of that application do therefore apply to this new application. Relocating the development to the site’s northern boundary has not overcome the five primary reasons for refusal that relate to the site wherever the development might be located.
To reiterate, these are:
1) Located in open countryside, outside defined settlement boundary and not requiring a countryside location.
2) A significant built form into an undeveloped location with adverse impacts on the character of a tranquil rural setting.
3) Intensity and urban form of three mobile homes and associated built development together with parking for touring caravans and six vehicles resulting in a permanent change to a rural setting and creating an urban form.
4) That a 9.5 year supply of pitches is identified in the district resulting in no overriding requirement for further provision - development is contrary to Policy 36 of the LP.
5) Development within zones of influence of both Chichester/Langstone and Pagham Harbour SPA’s and no mitigation measures indicated.

In addition, the PC had the following comments:  to maintain the open aspect and character of the corner of Keynor Lane, business use of the site, drainage, water main and visibility splays.

Cllr Tull will red card the application.
All councillors agreed.
5.4    SI/18/01049/FUL - The Birches  Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7NF
Erection of 1no. 3 bed dwelling - alternative design to planning permission SI/17/02717/FUL.
No objection.  All agreed.
5.5    SI/18/01245/FUL - Hatchers Cottage, Chichester Road Sidlesham PO20 7PY
Extension to existing office building. O.S. Grid Ref. 484990/100295
This is a significant building at the entrance to the village and the PC has concerns.  Firstly, it would prefer a ridge roof on the extension, in keeping with the rest of the building.  Secondly, the PC would like a condition that the building cannot be converted for residential use.  Lastly, concerns were raised regarding health and safety with the storage of fertilisers and drainage may need to be re-examined.
All councillors agreed.
5.6    SI/18/01492/FUL - 27 Chalk Lane, Sidlesham, West Sussex, PO20 7LW
Proposed dwelling.
The PC considers the building unsuitable for conversion but has no objection to this change in design.  Unanimous decision.
6.    Planning Decisions
6.1    SI/18/00679/PA3Q - Heaton Farms Ltd, Greatham Farm Ham Road Sidlesham PO20 7PA
Part 3 Class Q (b) application for prior approval - works to facilitate the change of use of agricultural barn to 2 no. residential units (class C3).   PRIOR APPROVAL REQUIRED HEREBY PERMITTED
6.2    SI/18/00748/FUL - 85 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Variation of condition 2 of permission SI/16/03508/FUL.  Amendments to openings and fenestration on all elevations.  Increase the size of gables.  Remove windows to east elevation.  PERMIT WITH S106
6.3    SI/18/00938/TCA - The Old Parsonage Church Farm Lane Sidlesham Chichester  PO20 7RE Notification of intention to crown raise by up to 3 m (above ground level) on 1 no. Laurel tree (T4) and 1 no. Field Maple tree (T5).  Fell 1 no. Ash tree (T6). NOT TO PREPARE A TREE PRESERVATION ORDER
6.4    SI/18/00271/FUL - Unit 2A Keynor Farm  Keynor Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LL
Change of Use from B1(c) / B8 Industrial Unit to D2 Gymnastics club with associated alteration. REFUSE
6.5    SI/18/00347/FUL - Zara Stud And Training Centre Limited Highleigh Road Sidlesham PO20 7NR Demolition of garage, toilets, spectators gallery and stables and redevelopment of the site to provide garage, toilets, spectators gallery, hay store stables and parking areas for horse transport vehicles.  Re-submission and amendmetns to planning permission SI/12/04097/FUL to include re-position of outdoor school away from site boundary and create a stable yard area.  PERMIT
6.5    SI/18/00875/FUL - 89 Fletchers Lane Sidlesham PO20 7QG
Proposed Change of Use of an existing agricultural building to 1no dwellinghouse and erection of pitched roofs over flat roofed parts of building (Use Class C3), Alternative to Part 3, Class Q Prior Approval SI/17/01491/PA3Q.  PERMIT WITH S106
7.           Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
The attention of the council was drawn to the following applications it will not be formally consulted on:
7.1    SI/18/01279/PA3Q - 62 Street End Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex
Prior Notification Application for the change of use of 2 no. buildings from agricultural use to residential (C3) with associated operational development under Class Q of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 2015 (as amended).
7.2    SI/18/01353/PA3Q - Butskiln Street End Road Sidlesham Chichester
Notification for Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to 2 no. dwellinghouses (Class C3) and for associated development.  O.S. Grid Ref. 485103/99390.
This application was of particular concern to the council as the proposed conversion is of a glasshouse. The PC considers any glasshouses as totally inappropriate for conversion. The PC resolved to draw CDC's attention to its concerns and write to the District.
8.         Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
9.         Matters of Information.
9.1    Hatchers, Selsey Road
Concern continues over development activity.  Part of the site is Common Land and has been enclosed, work undertaken on the pond and surrounding vegetation without reference to the Wildlife and Countryside Act. Cllr Tull agreed to follow these matters up with officers at CDC
9.2    Mr Mellodey asked Cllr Tull about the possibility of claiming S106/CIL funding from CDC if the parish has no new buildings but is affected by significant building schemes in a neighbouring town/parish.  Mr Mellodey had spoken to an officer at CDC regarding this.  Cllr Tull agreed that the PC could write to CDC for further guidelines but was not confident of the outcome.
