Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 20th March 2019
Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 20th March 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm
Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Ranjbar, Mr A Harland, Mr P Bedford, Mrs C Hall, Mr R Ryder and Dr F Lewis, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr P Tull (CDC), 1 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1 Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None
2. Apologies for Absence: Mrs M Monnington
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th February 2019 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Harland proposed and Dr Lewis seconded that the minutes be signed. 5 agreed and 2 abstained.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
6. WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn reported on an increase of 4.95% on WSCC Council Tax. The increase is partly due to a 14% increase in funding for Adult Social Care.
WSCC has reassessed subsidies for bus services. Compass bus No. 150 will no longer be subsidised and will therefore cease to run. The Stagecoach bus between Selsey and Chichester is not subsidised so will not be affected.
A meeting organised by Hunston PC had been attended by representatives of the Manhood parish councils, Cllr Montyn and Cllr Tull. The purpose of the meeting was to agree a joint statement to send to Gillian Keegan MP concerning the implications of new housing developments on the Peninsula: the increase in traffic on the A286, B2145, B2166, access to the A27 and infrastructure which should precede development. Sidlesham PC will draft a submission to be sent to Hunston PC. The responses from the Manhood parishes will be agglomerated by Hunston PC before being sent to Gillian Keegan MP. There will be a follow up meeting on 28th March 2019.
7. CDC Councillor
Cllr Tull reported on the increase in Council Tax for 2019/2020.
Temporary traffic closures have been announced for Boxham Lane and Lockgate Road between 9th and 11th April to undertake carriageway resurfacing.
The meeting in Westminster with Mrs G Keegan MP, Cllr L Goldsmith, Mrs D Shepherd and Cllr A Dignum regarding A27 improvements had been cancelled. A new date will be set.
8. Chichester Local Plan Review Consultation – additional information
Notes from the meeting in Hunston to agree a joint statement to send to Gillian Keegan MP concerning the implications of new housing developments on infrastructure on the Peninsula had been circulated. Mr Bedford and Mr Mellodey will draft a statement from Sidlesham PC.
9. Memorial Playing Field
9.1 Update
The Clerk had circulated a draft reply to Sidlesham Football Club in response to the Club’s email in which it stated that SFC had decided that ‘if SFC is to be sustainable in its present form, a partnership with the SPC is in the best interests of the Club’. The email had outlined SFC’s requirements. All Councillors agreed that the letter be sent to SFC.
It was agreed unanimously by Councillors that parishioners be asked at the Annual Parish Meeting on 25th April 2019 to ratify the PC’s decision (January 2019 PC Meeting) to send notice to SFC to cancel the existing Heads of Agreement and renegotiate a tenancy agreement with SFC. It was agreed that the PC approach its lawyer to seek advice on giving notice to the Club.
Mr N Robson commented that over the 4 years that he has been involved in the project, the committee officials of SFC have changed 3 times and this has hampered progress. SFC has claimed that the HoA gives it rights of use in perpetuity but Mr Robson felt that there are obligations in the Agreement which have not been met by SFC such as the removal of advertising banners and railings. SFC appeared to have the right to use the MPF at any time and on any day; no limit on use is specified in the HoA.
If a community hall is to be built, the PC must have a proper agreement with SFC which will constrain SFC’s use of the ground. This will allow the PC to let the ground to other users on a commercial basis. Mr Robson believes that SFC can make no capital contribution to a hall but could contribute to the revenue costs.
Mr Robson had responded to an advertisement in the local paper which invited expressions of interest in leasing football club facilities in Chichester. He had obtained the relevant paperwork to study. He did not know the rental to be charged but the hours and days of use would be restricted.
Mr Mellodey and Mr Bedford had attended a meeting with Chichester University. The University gave a positive response to the possibility of coming to an agreement with SPC on the use of sporting facilities on the MPF. This may provide an anchor tenant.
Mr Robson is investigating a funding body (Byrn Foundation) in relation to funding sporting projects. He felt that Sidlesham could fit the specifications for a grant application and will contact Mr Byrn.
9.2 Repair of the Drive.
Quotations for the repair of the drive, together with clarification from Mr Ryder and Mr Mellodey had been circulated. It was agreed that the favoured contactor was Drivepoint to resurface the drive at a cost of £7,800 +VAT. The Clerk will write to Drivepoint.
9.3 Following the annual independent inspection of the playground equipment, the Clerk had circulated a quotation from Mr J Levett to clean the playground equipment, paint those pieces where rust has formed and paint the wooden benches and tables with preservative. All agreed it should be done and accepted the quotation. Mrs Hall requested that the perspex shelter over the bench within the playground be cleaned and she has a coating to be painted on to help to keep it clean.
9.4 The Clerk had circulated a proposal from the Play Inspection Company offering to hold the price of the annual inspection for another year if the PC sign up to the 2020 inspection now. It was agreed that the Clerk should sign up to the further inspection next year.
9.5 Tree Maintenance on MPF
The Clerk had received a quotation of £350.00 to carry out maintenance work on the MPF trees. The quotation was accepted unanimously. The contractor had recommended that the PC consider thinning the trees to maintain the health of the wood. It was decided to wait until the cycle track route has been decided as this may necessitate the felling of trees.
10. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
10.1 Selsey/Chichester Greenway Commuter cycle route.
Mr Mellodey had received an information sheet from the leader of the Greenway project. It stated that the section from Medmerry to RSPB is being built with safe access to Sidlesham lanes. The path to Ham is being resurfaced. The RSPB is exploring the feasibility of a bike hire scheme. WSCC has agreed to fund, design and construct the section from Golf Links Lane to Medmerry with landowner support. The aim is to construct in the summer so by the end of the year it should be possible to ride from Selsey High Street to the RSPB. CDC has provided funding to complete the environmental impact assessments along the route within a year. Landowner agreements are being developed in Hunston up to the A27. The route through Sidlesham, the most difficult section, has still to be resolved. Cllr Montyn has facilitated a meeting on 5th April with the appropriate officers to try to resolve issues.
10.2 Bus stop north of Lockgate Road.
The culvert has been cleaned and was not found to be broken; water cleared under the road into the pond on the eastern side. There remains a problem with the drainage on the road which leads to potholes. The road needs regrading to encourage the water to flow off. Mrs Hall stated that the rubbish that used to be dropped at the bus stop is now being thrown into the newly cleared ditch.
Mrs Hall reported a hole in the manhole cover at the bus shelter at Lockgate Road which could cause an accident. The Clerk will report it to Highways.
11. Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
11.1 Damage to bench at Florence Pond.
The Clerk had circulated quotes for the installation of a replacement bench at Florence Pond. The PC decided unanimously to accept the quotation from Knight Fencing for £481.61. The Clerk will forward the quotes, together with photographs of the damage to the insurers of the driver and inform Knights Fencing of its decision.
11.2 Trees of Paddock Straight.
Another tree has died on Paddock Straight, making a total of 5 dead trees. Mr Bedford suggested that he obtain an estimate for between 5 and 10 trees, plus protection and stakes. If the trees are not replaced, cars will park on the Straight and damage the grass.
12. Litter
A parishioner had asked that the PC consider having posters printed to be placed on roadsides through the village asking people not to drop litter. The PC has erected posters before and these have been taken down/torn off and created more litter. The PC did not support the printing of new posters.
Mrs Hall has written to CDC to ask them to remove large chunks of polystyrene in the ditch opposite Eaton House. CDC will remove it.
13. Royal British Legion flag on pole attached to Village Sign
The SCA had requested that the PC consider a Royal British Legion remembrance flag on a pole attached to the village sign on the Paddock straight. The PC did not think a flag on the village sign an appropriate way to remember WWI. A remembrance flag carries an etiquette regarding when it can fly, when it should be at half-mast. Someone would need to manage the flag and ensure it hangs correctly at all times. Mrs Hall thought an appropriate memorial could be in the new community hall.
14. Charitable Donations for 2018/19
The Clerk had received a letter from the Academy, Selsey to ask if the PC would continue to sponsor their statistics prize. Councillors agreed unanimously that the PC should.
The PC has £645 in its budget to be allocated. It was agreed unanimously that the following donations be made:
Good Companions Bus £200
Samaritans £100
Citizens Advice £100
Stonepillow £145
Homestart £100.
15. Annual Parish Meeting
The Clerk was asked to write Ms J Reeve to ask her to give a presentation on the FLOW project at the Annual Parish Meeting on 25th April 2019.
16. Finance
16.1 Payments
16.1.1 Access by Design (domain management fee) £24.00
16.1.2 Sidlesham PCC (subscription for Sidlesham Parishioner) £7.00
16.1.3 T MacIntyre (February salary) £521.68
16.1.4 Unity Trust Bank (July quarterly service charge) £18.00
16.1.5 Unity Trust Bank (September quarterly service charge) £18.00
16.1.6 Unity Trust Bank (December quarterly service charge) £18.00
16.1.7 Play Inspection Company (annual inspection of playground and gym) £210.00
Mr Harland proposed and Dr Lewis seconded that the PC take items 15.1.1 to 15.1.4 en bloc. All agreed.
16.2 Discuss installation of Windows 10 on PC computer
The Clerk had circulated an email from the PC’s email provider saying that Windows 7 will not be supported from January 2020. It was agreed that the Clerk will have Windows 10 installed at a cost of £64.96.
16. Reports. None.
17. Correspondence.
17.1 Insurance. The Clerk had received a letter from Came & Company requesting that the PC confirm all details are correct as shown on the Insurance Information sheet or provide updated information. The Clerk will add the cost of a replacement computer under ‘office equipment’ and itemise the playground zip wire on page 2.
17.2 Mr Mellodey had received a letter from Southern Water. They asked if anyone would like a site visit to the sewage waterworks. In addition, they had given a telephone number to call if anyone has bad driving by tanker drivers to report. The Clerk will circulate the letter. Southern Water said that the sewage works has capacity for the next 15 years.
Meeting closed at 9.15 pm