Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 20th February 2019
Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 20th February 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm
Present: Mrs C Ranjbar, Mr A Harland, Mr P Bedford, Mrs C Hall, Mrs M Monnington and Dr F Lewis, Cllr P Tull (CDC), Cllr C Purnell (CDC), 2 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1 Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None
2. Apologies for Absence: Mr M Mellodey, Mr R Ryder and Cllr P Montyn.
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 16th January 2019 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Monnington seconded that the minutes be signed. 4 agreed and 2 abstained.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
6. CDC Councillor
Cllr Tull had nothing further to report to those issues discussed during the earlier Planning Committee Meeting. Mr Harland asked if there had been any progress on the A27 improvement scheme. Cllr Purnell reported that Cllr L Goldsmith, and Cllr A Dignum are working towards a meeting with Mrs G Keegan, MP and the Minister of Transport.
7. Resignation of Parish Councillor
Mrs U Pearce has resigned from the PC. The Parish Council was very grateful for her time and wished her well in the future. It was decided that, as there is an election in May, the PC will not co-opt a replacement. All agreed.
8. Neighbourhood Plan and Chichester Local Plan Review Consultation
Mr Bedford reported that the Neighbourhood Plan must conform to CDC’s Local Plan. Mr Bedford has studied the draft Local Plan and the PC has submitted its comments to CDC. Those sections of the Local Plan which concern Sidlesham will be incorporated into Sidlesham’s draft Neighbourhood Plan. He recommended that he write a draft Neighbourhood Plan before April 2019 for this PC to agree. This Council will commend it to the newly elected PC to carry forward for full consultation.
9. Memorial Playing Field
9.1 Update
Two letters had been sent to Sidlesham Football Club. The first: due to the lack of cooperation and communication from SFC the PC gave notice that it will rescind its consent for control of the ground during matches. The second, regarding the financial contribution from SFC for the use of the ground by Chichester City Ladies Football Club. A meeting had since been held between Mr Mellodey, Mr Robson and four members of Sidlesham Football Club’s committee. A report of the meeting had been circulated to all Councillors. Mr Harland requested that one statement in the report be corrected. It stated that a long lease drawn up by the previous PC had been “deemed illegal”. The PC’s lawyer had deemed it “possibly illegal”. Mr Harland also queried the statement that the PC would be responsible for any shortfall in running costs. The PC will own the hall and will, therefore, be responsible for its viability. Sidlesham Football Club was asked to make a decision on whether it will work with the PC on a community and sports hall before the end of February when a further meeting will be arranged.
9.2 Repair of MPF Drive.
The Clerk had circulated 3 quotations for repair of the drive. The PC decided that further analysis of the work is necessary to be able to make a decision. It was agreed that the quotation for £15,280 from Adur Driveways was more than the PC could afford. It was proposed that Mr Ryder and Mr Mellodey study the quotations, ask relevant questions to clarify their differences and give a detailed specification of the work to the PC in March.
10. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
10.1 Selsey/Chichester Commuter cycle route.
A meeting has been arranged for 6th March 2019 to discuss possible routes through Sidlesham. It is proposed that a viable route should be included in the Neighbourhood Plan. If the route is to run across the Memorial Playing Field land, consent may be required from DEFRA.
10.2 Bus stop north of Lockgate Road.
The Clerk has been informed that the culvert under the B2145 from the bus shelter north of Lockgate Road will be power washed on 5th March. It is hoped this will clear the blockage.
11. Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
11.1 Damage to bench at Florence Pond.
A car accident on the corner of the B2145 and Church Farm Lane has destroyed the bench at Florence Pond. The Clerk had obtained the name of the driver and her insurance company from the police. She had written to both but has not had a reply. The Clerk will write to the PC’s insurance company and pass on the details of the driver for them to claim for the cost of a new bench.
11.2 Trees of Paddock Straight.
Another tree has died on Paddock Straight, making a total of 5 dead trees. Mr Bedford suggested that he obtain an estimate for between 5 and 10 trees, plus protection and stakes. If the trees are not replaced, cars will park on the Straight and damage the grass.
11.3 Land South of Paddock Straight, opposite Rookery Lane. This land and pond is not owned by any person or organisation. Mr Bedford suggested that the PC adopt the land and come to an agreement with the Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group for maintenance of the ditch and pond. It was agreed that this will be on the agenda for the March meeting.
12. Litter
Mrs Hall will hold another litter pick along the B2145. She will also put an article in the Sidlesham Parishioner and Spread to encourage parishioners to pick up litter and try to keep the roadsides tidy. Mr Harland reiterated his concerns regarding health and safety if litter picking is carried out in a group. Mrs Hall explained that all pickers have been issued with equipment and safety instructions from CDC.
13. New Website to comply with requirements to safeguard against hacking
The Clerk had circulated a letter from Access by Design who host the PC’s website. This had stated that the PC must either have its website serviced regularly to ensure security of the site or purchase a new website with inbuilt security. It was decided that the Clerk should have the website serviced quarterly until after the election when a decision will be made by the new PC. A new website should be able to receive and process responses from the Neighbourhood Plan consultation.
14. Annual Parish Meeting
It was agreed that Thursday, 25th April will be the date of the 2019 Annual Parish Meeting.
15. Finance
15.1 Payments
15.1.1 Unity Trust Bank (quarterly service charge) £18.00
15.1.2 T MacIntyre (December salary) £521.66
15.1.3 T MacIntyre (January salary) £521.66
15.1.4 Scanstation Computers (internal security for computer loaded) £29.95
Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Ranjbar seconded that the PC take items 15.1.1 to 15.1.4 en bloc. All agreed.
15.2 Approve expenditure against budget statement.
The Clerk had circulated a statement of expenditure against budget. The statement was approved by all.
16. Reports. None.
17. Correspondence.
17.1 The Clerk had received an email from CDC to say that it has the election packs for prospective Councillors. She will collect them and deliver to all who wish to stand for election.
17.2 The Clerk had received an email from Mr Monnington regarding inaccuracies in a letter from CDC concerning work on his land north of Lockgate Road. The Clerk had circulated his email.
Meeting closed at 9.00 pm