Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 18th September 2019
Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 18th September 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm
Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Hall, Mr R Ryder, Mrs P Tull, Mr C Field, Mrs L Gibson-House, Mrs M Monnington, Mr L Ramm and Mr A Harland, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr D Johnson (CDC), Cllr C Purnell (CDC), 10 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1. Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None
2. Apologies for Absence: None
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 17th July 2019 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Field proposed and Mrs Hall seconded that the minutes be signed. All agreed.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
6. WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn reported that WSCC has been working on its 2020/21 financial year budget. A one year settlement, in principle, has been announced by Central Government. This will provide between £10m and £15m but is allocated to Social Care alone. That will leave a shortfall of approximately £48m and Cllr Montyn believes there will be an increase in Council Tax. It is difficult for WSCC to plan for the future with a 1 year settlement, rather than 3 or 4 year proposals as has previously been the case.
Cllr Montyn was asked about the Mobile Waste Service in Selsey and West Wittering. He replied that the mobile waste service is not a statutory obligation on the Council and therefore it will in future be funded locally. Mr Field had attended a meeting on the subject and reported under Item 14.
7. CDC Councillor
Cllr Purnell reported on the Appeal Decision on land at the junction of Keynor Lane and Selsey Road. The PC was very disappointed at the decision and quoted from the Inspector’s view that CDC’s “arguments lack clarity or a firm basis in either local policies or national guidance”. Concern over the water main pipeline under the field was not raised by CDC and this must still be addressed.
Cllr Purnell stated that cuts in Central Government funding to CDC will result in cuts to all non-statutory services.
8. Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Ryder had given a presentation to the PC on the NP: its purpose, content and timescale, prior to the PC Meeting. Mr Riach asked Councillors for confirmation that they continue to support a Neighbourhood Plan. He also asked that the PC, in line with other parishes, make ‘Climate Emergency’ environmental issues a significant part of the Plan. Councillors needed more information on wording of environmental issues but, in principle, the PC agreed by a majority of 7 Councillors for and 2 abstentions.
9. Memorial Playing Field
9.1 Expiry of Heads of Agreement
All letters and emails between the PC and Sidlesham FC and their solicitors had been circulated to Councillors. In addition, the Clerk had circulated an email from a member of the public. It had stated that ‘Sidlesham FC had been notice to quit’. Mr Mellodey replied that this was incorrect: the Heads of Agreement between SPC and SFC has been terminated. The PC wishes to replace the HoA with a 1 year interim rolling contract. A member of SFC stated that the PC is aware that, under Football League rules, the FC cannot function under a 1 year rolling contract. However, this had been offered in what he understood to be a non-negotiable proposal. Mr Mellodey replied that the PC needs flexibility to develop the ground for both football and other activities. A longer term contract would hamper the PC with raising funds for a hall for sport and recreation for the whole community. SFC had said that the PC could have access to the hall but no other part of the building. This was not acceptable to the PC. It was pointed out that as the building is sited on PC land, it is owned by the PC. Mr Mellodey had arranged a meeting with representatives of Chichester University to view the hall and take advice on how it could be developed. SFC had not allowed Mr Mellodey access to the building. Mr Mellodey proposed that he talk to the Football League to explore possible wording which would give the PC flexibility and SFC security. The member of SFC suggested a 3 or 5 year contract with a break clause. Mr Mellodey will investigate this. A neighbour of the MPF commented on work SFC has done on the building and that the ground is always left neat and tidy after matches.
It is envisaged that a new building could be run by a management committee which will include SFC.
The Chairman of the Sidlesham Community Association stated that the SCA was firm in its belief that any new building should give a multi-purpose hall and it has no wish to exclude the Football Club. It totally accepts that any sports club would make a useful contribution to the viability of a building.
It was decided that the final date be extended to 31st October 2019 to give time to find wording on terms of contract acceptable to both parties.
9.2 Proposal for wildflower meadow northeast of pitch.
In principle, the PC is in favour of a wildflower meadow and suggested those who proposed it contact the Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group for advice on its maintenance. It will be maintained by volunteers. It was suggested they look into land alongside the community orchard as an alternative site.
9.3 Approve use of MPF car park for Cat and Rabbit Christmas Fayre.
The PC has no objection. The Clerk will inform the Cat & Rabbit.
10. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
10.1 Selsey/Chichester Greenway Commuter cycle route.
Mr Mellodey had attended a Greenway Group meeting. He reiterated that the southern section from Medmerry to RSPB is complete and he recommended its use to all. The next stage is to transform the footpath down Golf Links Lane to Medmerry into a bridle/cycle way. It is hoped that that will be completed by March 2020. Discussions are under way regarding the northern section from Jury Lane to the Free School. The section through Sidlesham remains difficult. The route from the Old Bakery to the Memorial Playing Field is the main obstacle. The PC has agreed, in principle that the cycle track can run along the eastern boundary of the MPF. It will then run by Willow Glen and along Paddock Straight. Mr Harland stated that he had spoken to the owner of a property in Keynor Lane who might be amenable to the track crossing his land onto the MPF. He and Mr Mellodey will follow this up.
11. Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
11.1 Damage to playground shelter
The shelter over the bench in the playground has been vandalised. In addition, they damaged chairs belonging to SFC, and again the following night. The Clerk has reported the incident to the police and requested a quotation to repair the shelter. Mrs Hall suggested that she contact Sidlesham’s Neighbourhood Watch representative. A decision on repair was deferred to the October Meeting when the Clerk will have the quote.
12. Manhood Parishes Action Group Meeting
Mr Ryder reported that, following concerns voiced by parishes regarding their involvement in the Action Group, it was decided that in future it will be the Manhood Peninsula Action Group and not the ‘Manhood Parishes Action Group’. The Group will, however, continue to inform parishes of its actions. There is to be an announcement on this which will be circulated. Mr Ryder will continue to be part of the Peninsula Action Group but will not represent the PC.
13. New Website for PC
All Councillors agreed that the new website should be adopted. The Clerk will inform Access-by Design and the new website will replace the old.
14. Selsey/Witterings Mobile Waste Service
Mr Field attended a meeting regarding cessation of funding for the service. Attendees had been given background of costs of the service and informed that most other satellite sites have been closed. Birdham and Earnley PCs were, in principle, willing to support the service. It had been suggested that parishes charge for use of the service through tokens sold in the village. However, parishes would need to pay their contributions out of their precept and recoup the cost through tokens. These proposals will be fed back to the next meeting on 8th October 2019. The PC is not sure how many parishioners use the facility.
15. Approve Impact Assessment for PC’s DGPR
The Clerk had circulated a Client Agreement Letter from Satswana Limited, Data Protection Policy and Impact Assessment documents for SPC. All three documents were approved unanimously and will be adopted.
16. Peninsula Forum Meetings
SPC has been informed by CDC that future Peninsula Forum Meetings will not be led or organised by a CDC Officer. If Manhood parishes wish to continue with Forum Meetings, the administration and organisation of speakers will be carried out by parishes, possibly the parish holding the meeting. Mr Mellodey felt there is a need for the Manhood Parishes to meet. Cllr Purnell suggested that he contact Cllr Barrett to discuss how it may be organised.
17. Finance
17.1 Income
17.1.1 CDC (Precept) £16,070
17.2 Payments
17.2.1 Mr C Field (repayment of parking charges for CDC meeting) £3.90
17.2.2 Drivepoint Construction Limited (relay MPF drive) £9,360.00
17.2.3 M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £265.20
17.2.4 Sidlesham Primary School (Good Citizenship Prize) £25.00
17.2.5 Access-by Design (new website) £1,800
17.2.6 Surrey Hills Solicitors (legal advice re Memorial Playing Field) £390.00
17.2.7 JWL Installs (repair playground tunnel slide & wall hand holds) £180.00
17.2.8 T MacIntyre (July salary) £537.50
17.2.9 Scanstation Computers (Windows 10 and new disc) £122.96
17.2.10 H B Collins (strim & litter pick) £561.60
17.2.11 SSALC (New Councillor courses) £168.00
17.2.12 T MacIntyre (August salary) £537.50
17.2.13 T MacIntyre (Mar-Sept Expenses) £249.24
17.2.13 Sidlesham PCC (Hire of Hall Mar-Sept) £84.38
17.2.14 M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £265.20
17.2.15 H B Collins (strim & litter pick) £338.40
Mrs Tull proposed and Mr Harland seconded that items 17.1 to 17.2.15 be taken en bloc. All agreed.
17.3 Approve Expenditure against budget statement
A statement had been circulated. Mr Harland proposed that it be accepted as correct and all agreed.
13. Correspondence.
13.1 The Clerk had received an email requesting that the PC look into installing a mirror on the corner of Ham Road and Highleigh Road. There have been several accidents at the junction and the Clerk will write to Highways.
14. Matters of urgent public importance. None
15. Matters of Information. None
Meeting closed at 9.00