Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 16th October 2019
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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 16th October 2019

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 16th October 2019 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm

Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Hall, Mr R Ryder, Mr C Field, Mrs L Gibson-House, Mrs M Monnington, Mr L Ramm and Mr A Harland, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), 3 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.

Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1. Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.
A member of the public asked if the Inspector’s decision on the Appeal for a caravan site on the corner of Keynor Lane and the B2145 had been published. The Appeal has been granted with CDC to pay the applicant’s costs.

2. Apologies for Absence: Mrs P Tull, Cllr C Purnell and Cllr D Johnson
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 17th July 2019 to be signed as a correct record. 2 amendments to the Minutes were requested and agreed. Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Gibson-House seconded that the minutes be signed and the amendments initialled. All agreed.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
6. WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn reported that Cllr L Goldsmith has resigned as Leader of WSCC. Cllr P Marshall, Councillor for Storrington, has been appointed Leader.
Cllr Montyn reported on an article in the Chichester Observer stating that Mrs G Keegan, MP has requested a meeting with the Minister for Roads. She will ask that full consultations on improvements to the A27 be reinstated with all options on the table. In addition, she has requested a greater level of transparency in the consultation process and options available. Cllr Montyn will ask at the next full Council Meeting that the Highways Member for WSCC attends the meeting. The PC offered its full support.
7. Neighbourhood Plan – Climate Emergency
Mr Ryder had circulated a document explaining ‘Climate Emergency’ and how it would support the Neighbourhood Plan. If this policy is adopted, all aspects of the NP should reflect the PC’s commitment to appropriate green policies for a sustainable future and the impact on the environment will influence all its decisions. Mr Ryder proposed that the PC support Climate Emergency for the NP. This was agreed unanimously.
Mr Ryder had met with Mr Bedford to draft a letter to the community. This will set out the aims of the NP and invite volunteers to a meeting. The letter will be published on the website, notice boards, in the Sidlesham Spread and The Parishioner. The meeting will be held in December. The Clerk was asked to write personally to those who had volunteered before to explain the delay. Volunteers will be split into smaller teams to tackle the 4 main headings: traffic, housing development, the environment and community issues.
It was reported that the Sidlesham Community Association had held a meeting on green issues. The Chairman of the SCA said that he had been impressed by the enthusiasm and scope of ideas from the group. Mr Mellodey suggested that the group liaise with the PC. Mr Lewis suggested that Sidlesham Primary School be included.
8. Selsey/Witterings Mobile Waste Service
Mr Harland suggested that £3,100 would be a significant increase in the precept. The Westhampnett waste/recycling site is not much further from Sidlesham and offers a good service. Cllr Montyn commented that the increase in the precept would result in an increase on a Band D house of between and £5 and £6 per year. WSCC is to conduct a survey to consult as widely as possible on whether parishioners would support such an increase. Mr Field had attended the second meeting and suggested that the PC defer a decision until it has the results of the survey. This was agreed. Mr Field advised the PC that the next meeting will be on January 14th 2020 and a decision will be made in March 2020. If funding by the PCs is not approved, the facility will be withdrawn in October 2020.
9. Memorial Playing Field
9.1 Update on Meeting with Sidlesham Football Club
Mr Mellodey had circulated a report of the meeting. An agreement has been reached with SFC whereby it has a one year rolling contract, will continue to cut the grass and will pay the PC £5 per match. SFC has disbanded its first team in the Southern Counties League and is now running a West Sussex Team (previously reserve team). SFC complained to the PC about fouling of the grass by dogs being walked on the MPF. The Clerk was asked to have 2 signs made to be erected on the field warning of the consequences of not cleaning up after dogs. If this does not improve the PC will consider banning dogs from the field. The Clerk was asked to put a notice in the Sidlesham Spread and Parishioner.
The Chairman of the SCA welcomed the fact that the PC now has control of the MPF and has come to an agreement with SFC. He asked if the PC has a plan on obtaining possession of the clubhouse and was informed that that was for a time when the PC has a clear project and finance.
9.2 Weeds on MPF drive.
Drivepoint, who laid the new drive, has sprayed the weeds and will continue to monitor the situation. They have assured the PC that the depth of the tarmac is the same across the drive.
10. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
10.1 Selsey/Chichester Greenway Commuter cycle route.
Mr Mellodey reported that the southern section is well used and it is hoped to have the extension to Golf Links Lane open by March 2020. The Group is waiting on an Appeal which would grant the Greenway the land to complete the route between the Free School and the Donnington Road. The route through Sidlesham remains a problem. Mr Harland has a possible contact who might enable the route to enter the MPF.
11. Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
11.1 Damage to playground shelter
A quotation has been circulated for repair of the shelter for £1,650. All agreed that the Clerk should contact the PC’s insurers and claim for the cost, less excess.
11.2 Red Phone Box
Mr Field raised the condition of the phone box on the corner of Lockgate Road and the B2145. The Clerk will ask the contractor who strims the playground if he would cut back the greenery.
12. Manhood Peninsula Action Group Meeting
Mr Ryder reported that on 29th November in Hunston there is to be a meeting, attended by Mrs G Keegan MP. The PC should submit questions concerning infrastructure on the Manhood Peninsula and issues linked to CDC’s Local Plan for Mrs Keegan.
13. Peninsula Forum Meetings
CDC is to withdraw its administrative support for the Peninsula Forum Meetings. It has been proposed that meetings will, in future, be organised by the parish hosting the meeting. Mr Mellodey has met Cllr Barrett of The Witterings and both are keen to keep the Forum going.
Councillors commented on the number of organisations now serving the area such as SOSCA and Manhood Peninsula Partnership. Mr Mellodey felt that the Peninsula Forum should be the organisation to discuss all issues affecting the Manhood and become the political voice of the area. It could, in addition, have a role to play on the Manhood Peninsula Action Group and it was suggested that the MPP report to the Peninsula Forum on proposed actions, rather than report on what the MPP has achieved.
Cllr Montyn reported that Mrs D Shepherd and the Leader of CDC are to meet with the Ministry of Housing. They will show maps of the area, with particular regard to the environment and flooding in an attempt to reduce the number of new houses expected in the District. CDC received a large number of responses to its draft Local Plan and is having great difficulty finalising it with the number of houses expected for which it does not have the infrastructure.
It was decided to defer a decision on the request from the MPP for funding until the PC has clarity on the role of the organisation.
14. Ferry Farm Fund
The generating company has changed ownership and, until that process is complete, the PC will not know the result of its grant application.
15. New Homes Bonus
The PC has been successful in its application for a grant of £1,910.37 to install a speed indicator on Paddock Straight. It was agreed by all Councillors that the Clerk sign the PC’s acceptance of the Grant Agreement. Mr Mellodey will contact the Chairman of STAG to put together a case for a permanent speed indicator to present to WSCC Highways.
16. Hatchers – update on visit to Common Land
Mr Mellodey had circulated a report on the meeting. The Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group will carry out clearance work. The Clerk was asked to write to the owner of Hatchers to ask that he install a gate between Hatchers and Marble Bridge Farm.
17. Finance
17.1 Income
17.1.1 HMRC (VAT return) £3,034.00
17.2 Payments
17.2.1 Sidlesham PCC (contribution to mowing of cemetery) £500
17.2.2 Satswana Limited (GDPR services annual fee) £180
17.2.3 T MacIntyre (September salary) £537.50
17.2.4 M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £265.20
17.2.5 Moore East Midlands (annual Audit) £240.00
17.2.6 Surrey Hills Solicitors (legal advice) £1,050.00
17.2.7 Unity Trust Bank (June quarterly service charge) £18.00
17.2.8 Unity Trust Bank (September quarterly service charge) £18.00
Mr Harland proposed and Mr Mellodey seconded that items 17.1 to 17.2.8 be taken en bloc. All agreed.
18. Correspondence. None
19. Matters of urgent public importance. None
20. Matters of Information. None

Meeting closed at 8.45
