Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 15th July 2020
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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 15th July 2020

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 15th July 2020 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.

Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mr R Ryder, Mrs C Hall, Mrs P Tull, Mr C Field, Mr L Ramm, Mrs L Gibson-House, Mrs M Monnington, Cllr D Johnson (CDC), 7 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.

1. Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None

2. Apologies for Absence: Mr A Harland, Cllr P Montyn and Cllr C Purnell
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 17th June 2020 to be signed as a correct record. Mrs Gibson-House proposed and Mr Field seconded that the minutes be signed. All agreed.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
6. WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn was unable to attend. He had sent a report which had been circulated.
7. CDC Councillor
Cllr Johnson reported that CDC only holds meetings through Zoom at present. Pallant House remains closed and officers work from home. The layout within Pallant House is open plan and therefore difficult to make safe. Mrs Tull said that she could see no reason why reception could not be open. The public needs to be able to have access to help or be given advice on where that can be achieved. Cllr Johnson reported on plans for a Recovery Team to help local businesses in Chichester open up again. Cllr Johnson has also proposed that another Recovery Team be set up to help businesses on the Peninsula. Work on the Local Plan continues.
7.1 Melita Nursery Planning Applications
Cllr Johnson was asked to Red Card the Applications, and will do so. It was suggested that Cllr Johnson meet the neighbours to gather information before the applications come before CDC Planning Committee. The Clerk will write to the neighbours and ask that they arrange a site meeting with Cllr Johnson.
8. Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Ryder reported that the topic groups have not been able to meet in person but work has been progressing. Following Mrs Tull’s comments that the draft was ‘too long and complicated’, Mr Ryder proposed that the PC employs a document writer to condense and simplify the writing into a more accessible format – more in line with the Hunston Neighbourhood Plan. This would cost £150. All agreed.
9. Interim Policy Statement for Housing Consultation Response
SPC’s response had been circulated and submitted. Mrs Tull had read Birdham’s response. It had made the point about the HEELAA (Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment), saying that although it identifies possible sites, it does not assess whether that land is acceptable of suitable.
10. Memorial Playing Field
10.1 Update. All councillors had met at the MPF to inspect the ground and the building. It had been a useful meeting. A new MPF Work Group has been formed: Mr Mellodey, Mr Ryder, Mr Ramm, Mrs Hall, Mrs Tull, Mr Robson and Mr Blackford (SCA). Their first meeting will be on 20th July 2020. It is envisaged that the MPF Work Group will, in future, include one representative each from the Chichester and Selsey Ladies Football Team (CSLFT) and Chichester College. Mr Mellodey has been contacted by Bosham Youth Team which is interested in using the pitches. Discussions will take place with CSLFT, Chichester College and Bosham Youth to ensure that the pitches are not overused.
Mr Mellodey had received the pitch report from Sussex FA Pitch Improvement Programme. The pitch is in relatively good condition, it requires small scale but constant work. The goal posts are in good condition. It was agreed that the Clerk ask Mr Kennedy to continue to mow the field and pitches at £180 per mow.
10.2 Terms of Reference
This had been circulated to all councillors.
10.3 Charitable Status of SCA for MPF
Mr Robson, a member of the MPF Work Group, explained his position and that he had been tasked to write a business plan for the project by the PC. In order to qualify for grants to develop the MPF, the PC needs an associated organisation with charitable status. The PC can apply for a loan from the Public Loan Board but, as a precepted body, cannot apply for large scale grants. In addition, the business rates on the land and building will be high unless it can be run as a sports charity. The SCA has CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) status and therefore could become that organisation, with the PC’s approval. The PC would retain overall control by having a majority of trustees on the SCA board, but ownership, by way of a short lease, would be moved to the charitable organisation. Mr Robson has read the Articles of Association of the SCA and believes that it could provide the charity for the purpose. Mr Robson recommended that the PC appoint a solicitor with specialist knowledge of charities to ensure that the SCA is an appropriate organisation and will not lend itself to a conflict of interest between Parish Councillors and Trustees of the SCA. Mr Robson has been in contact with other parishes which have achieved grants through such a structure. It was agreed that PC move forward, cautiously, with the SCA.
11. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
11.1 SID for Paddock Straight.
The Clerk had circulated quotes for a SID to be installed on Paddock Straight. It was decided that the PC proceed with a battery powered SID from Westcotec at £2,625 + VAT. The Clerk will contact WSCC Highways.
11.2 Mrs Gibson-House reported that the bridleway between Chalk Lane and Bird Pond Cottage is subsiding towards the ditch and could cause an accident. The Clerk will report this to WSCC.
11.3 Mrs Monnington requested that the Clerk write an article for the Spread and Parishioner informing those who put bollards on the grass verge outside their properties that this is highways land and, should there be an accident, the owner of the bollards would be responsible for any damage.
12. Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
12.3 Playground Maintenance
Mrs Hall and Mrs Gibson-House met Mr Levett at the playground to discuss the rotting wood on the small mound and the tunnel slide mound. The small mound has a trip hazard and therefore needs more urgent attention. The top of the tunnel slide needs to be rebuilt and must be budgeted for. Mr Levett will provide a quote for the small mound. In addition, the picnic benches need a coat of preservative paint every year. Mrs Hall proposed that the PC approve the cost of the paint and she and a group of volunteers will do the painting. In addition, the eco base under the adult gym has weeds showing. Mrs Hall proposed that the PC approve the cost of weed killer and she will spray the weeds. All agreed.
The Clerk was asked to write to the MW&HG, who maintain the community orchard on the MPF, to ask if there is a plan to mow the grass which is now very high.
13. New Homes Bonus
The PC discussed the pros and cons of buying a mower for the MPF using a NHB grant. An article had been published in the Sidlesham Spread looking for a groundsman to maintain the MPF. Volunteers had responded and said that if the PC had a mower, they would help. It was decided by 5 votes for, 1 against and 2 abstentions that the PC apply to CDC for a grant to purchase a second hand mower. (NHB allocation £3,107).
14. Room for a Tree Project
Mrs Gibson-House raised a proposal for a tree planting scheme. Schools and community groups for young people are invited to take part and parishioners can plant those trees on their own properties, thus increasing the number of trees. It was agreed that she investigate the scheme and report back to the PC at the next meeting. All agreed.
15. Finance
15.1 Payments
15.1.1 M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £136.20
15.1.2 West Sussex Charitable Funds T/A Love your Hsp Charity (donation on behalf of SFC for cutting of grass, and leaving of floodlights, fencing, etc) £500.00
15.1.3 Sussex County FA (membership fee) £150.00
15.1.4 The Sign Shop (sign for playground fence) £36.00
15.1.5 T MacIntyre (June salary) £552.08
15.1.6 T MacIntyre (Expenses March-June 2020 incl. new keys to clubhouse) £162.00
15.1.7 Sign Shop (sign for opening playground) £54.00
Mrs Tull proposed and Mrs Gibson-House seconded that items 15.1.1 to 15.1.7 be taken en bloc. All agreed.
15.2 Approve quote for tree work on Memorial Playing Field
The Clerk had circulated a quotation from KJC Trees to carry out maintenance work on trees on the MPF for £450 +VAT. The PC agreed unanimously.
16. Reports. None
17. Correspondence. None.
18. Matters of urgent public importance. Mrs Gibson-House reported on several break-ins in the parish. There is a new team of police officers for rural crime and parishioners are asked to report anything suspicious to the police by email. The Clerk had received an email from PCSO Scott Wrein, the new local PCSO for this area. The Clerk will invite him to a PC meeting to give a report. The contact details are: PCSO Colin Booker, Rural Crime Team, 07912 895813. Colin.booker@sussex.pnn.police.uk
19. Matters of Information. None

Meeting closed at 8.45 pm
