Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 15th January 2020
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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 15th January 2020

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 15th January 2020 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm

Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.

Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mr R Ryder, Mrs C Hall, Mrs P Tull, Mr C Field, Mrs M Monnington and Mr A Harland, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC), Cllr C Purnell, 1 member of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.

1. Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda. None

2. Apologies for Absence: Mr L Ramm, Mrs L Gibson-house and Cllr D Johnson
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None.
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th November 2019 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Monnington seconded that the minutes be signed. 6 agreed and 1 abstained.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
6. WSCC Councillor
Cllr Montyn reported that WSCC’s budget process is under way. WSCC has received notification of funding from Central Government for 1 year only which makes future financial planning difficult. It has, in the past been able to plan on a 3 year budget. Central Government has allowed for a 2% ring fenced increase for adult care. All other budgets should not increase above 1.99%. It is therefore anticipated that WSCC’s increase will be not exceed 3.99%. Of that, adult care and children’s services will be allocated nearly 60% of the budget. There will be a meeting of the Finance Committee next week at which it will scrutinise the draft budget in detail.
Mrs Tull raised the adverse publicity WSCC has received recently. Cllr Montyn replied that complaints are being dealt with in the proper way and in future there will be greater transparency and cabinet meetings will be held more often in public. Cllr Purnell stated that she has always fought for public Cabinet meetings with collective responsibility. The Chief Executive of East Sussex is acting as Chief Executive of West Sussex until a new Chief Executive for WSCC has been appointed.
Cllr Montyn advised the PC that there remains additional money in the Operational Watershed fund should the PC wish to apply. The Clerk will inform the Flood and Land Drainage Group.
Mr Mellodey and Mr Ryder attended a meeting organised by the Manhood Peninsula Action Group. Mrs G Keegan, MP attended the meeting. Mrs J Foster (Chairman of Hunston) gave a good presentation and raised several questions, particularly regarding the unfair allocation of housing on the Manhood Peninsula and the problems with infrastructure such as roads, sewage, etc. This was explained by the fact that 70% of Chichester District is in the South Downs National Park and therefore not eligible for new housing. Mrs Keegan agreed to approach Highways England and request a transparent study on A27 improvements with all options on the table. Mr Mellodey congratulated Cllr Montyn on his letter to Mrs Keegan, MP and asked if he would agree to his letter being circulated to councillors. Cllr Montyn agreed.
7. CDC Councillor
Cllr Purnell reported on her tour of those parts of north Chichester District, outside the South Downs National Park. This had been to look into the Housing Employment Land Assessment (HELA) on land put forward for development. Land holders have been encouraged to put land forward and each plot is assessed to ensure it is a realistic option for development. More land has been put forward than is necessary for the current allocation of housing. Cllr Purnell reiterated her view that if CDC submits its Local Plan with insufficient houses, it is likely that the Inspector will reject CDC’s Local Plan. CDC will then have no Local Plan in place and could be vulnerable to a significant increase in house building.
8. Neighbourhood Plan
Mr Ryder reported that, following the PC’s agreement to support a Neighbourhood Plan and a successful application for funding, the PC held a Meeting on 9th January 2020. The meeting was well attended and several members of the public volunteered to work on one or more of the four Work Groups. An article reporting on the meeting has been submitted to the Spread and Parishioner, Sidlesham Nextdoor and is on the PC’s website. A further meeting will be held on 29th January in the Parish Rooms. Mr Field suggested a cut-off point after which new members may not be added to work groups. Mr Ryder suggested 2 months.
9. Memorial Playing Field
9.1 Update – Interim Agreement with Football Club
Sidlesham Football Club has returned the PC’s Interim Agreement with 2 amendments. One is acceptable, the other will be discussed and, it is hoped, find a form of words acceptable to both parties. Mr Mellodey has a further meeting arranged with Chichester University on 4th February to discuss ways in which the field may be developed.
9.2 CCTV for Memorial Playing Field
Mr Mellodey reported on vandalism at the MPF. The clubhouse has been vandalised on two occasions resulting in serious damage. In addition, a metal crowbar was found in the playground. The police are investigating. The PC is considering installing CCTV in the car park. Mrs Hall had carried out research into installing CCTV a few years ago. She will update her information and report her findings to the PC at the February PC Meeting.
10. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
10.1 VAS for Paddock Straight.
The PC has not yet had a response from WSCC Highways to its application for a VAS on Paddock Straight.
10.2 The Clerk had received an email from a parishioner who had cleaned the bus stop at Lockgate Road and removed the mud splashed from the road. It is much improved but will revert if the curb is not reinstated or the base of the shelter raised.
11. Assets & Amenities Workgroup.
11.1 Damage to playground shelter
The insurance claim to repair the shelter has been settled and the shelter is being repaired.
11.2 Sign for Dog owners.
The PC’s contractor, employed to repair the shelter and zip wire, will install the signs asking dog owners to clear up after their dogs. One sign will go on the playground fence and the other will be on a post in the MPF car park. He will charge for materials only.
11.3 Proposal to register Anchor Pub as Community Asset
Mr Field proposed that the PC register the Anchor Pub as a community asset. It is an important landmark in the village. If registered as a Community Asset, it would delay any change of use application and give the community the opportunity to acquire the asset. Mr Field offered to pursue the paperwork necessary to apply. All agreed.
11.4 Mrs Hall informed the PC that she needed more pick-up-sticks for litter pickers. She will collect them from Westhampnett.
12. Representative for MPP
Mr Field had offered, at the November 2019 PC Meeting, to attend MPP Meetings. However, he is unable to attend on Monday mornings so Mr Mellodey proposed that he attend. All agreed.
13. Quarterly Flood Report
Mr Bedford had submitted the Flood and Land Drainage Group’s quarterly flood report. This had been circulated. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Bedford to ask what projects remain to be carried out with the Operation Watershed money still in the PC’s bank account. At the same time, the Clerk will remind the Group that there is more funding available from OW for drainage projects.
14. Selsey/Witterings Mobile Waste Service
Following a further meeting in Selsey, an updated spread sheet has been circulated to parish councils. Sidlesham PC’s contribution would be £3,064.20 per annum (£5.11 per person). Most of the other parishes on the Peninsula appear to have agreed but for the project to go forward, all parishes must contribute. The PC decided to defer a decision and put it on the agenda for February. Cllr Purnell ask that the PC consider the environment and the increase in traffic should the mobile waste service be withdrawn.
15. Finance
15.1 Income
15.1.1 Hiscox Insurance (claim for repair of playground shelter) £1500
15.2 Payments
15.2.1 T MacIntyre (November salary) £537.50
15.2.2 Sidlesham Community Association (contribution to defibrillator) £224.50
15.2.3 Royal British Legion (Poppy Appeal) £60
15.2.4 H B Collins (mow and strim) £1182.00
15.2.5 M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £265.20
15.2.6 Hiscox Insurance (refund on overpayment of insurance claim) £100.00
15.2.7 M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £132.60
15.2.8 Access-by Design (annual website domain fee) £24.00
15.2.9 Unity Trust Bank service charge £18.00
Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Monnington seconded that Items 14.1 to 14.2.3 be taken en bloc. All agreed.
15.3 Request for contribution to Selsey VE Day celebration.
The PC agreed that it would not contribute to Selsey’s VE Day celebrations. The Clerk will write to the organisers to inform them
18. Correspondence. None.
19. Matters of urgent public importance. None
20. Matters of Information. None

Meeting closed at 8.45 pm
