Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 21st March 2018 (Unapproved)
Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 21st March 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane 7.30pm
Present: Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Ranjbar, Mrs M Monnington, Mr P Bedford, Mr A Harland and Dr F Lewis. 2 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1 Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.
1.1 A member of the public asked for an update on flooding on the Anchor Bend. Mr Mellodey replied that the source of the sewage leak had been located and repaired. However, there is still flood water on the road. Mr Bedford informed the PC that a culvert is blocked; this will be cleared by WSCC jet washing the culvert.
1.2 SCA Questionnaire. A parishioner informed the PC that it is believed, some households are submitting multiple completed questionnaires by using different email addresses belonging to members of one household plus the paper questionnaire. The Clerk will write to the SCA to request that they refer the matter to AiRS.
2. Apologies for Absence: Mrs U Pearce and Mrs C Hall
3. Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st February 2018 to be signed as a correct record. Mrs Ranjbar proposed and Mr Harland seconded that the minutes be signed. 5 agreed with 1 abstention.
5. Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below. None.
6. Neighbourhood/Village Plan
Mr Bedford recommended that the PC triggers the process to start a Neighbourhood Plan. This would require a letter to CDC registering the PC’s intention and ask CDC to declare Sidlesham a Neighbourhood Plan Area. This decision could be re-evaluated and, if necessary, withdrawn at a later date. A grant of £8,000 could be available towards costs involved in the project. Mr Bedford pointed out that a significant amount of work towards the Plan has already been done. The Neighbourhood Plan must comply with CDC’s Local Plan but, once completed and approved, the Neighbourhood and Local Plans would carry equal weight. Mr Bedford felt that future legislation could pose a threat to Sidlesham and if the village is to have any say in its future, it should have a Neighbourhood Plan. 5 Councillors voted to start the process towards a Neighbourhood Plan and 1 Councillors voted against.
Mr Bedford had circulated a document listing topics for a Neighbourhood Plan. He asked that this be recirculated and that Councillors send him any items, not on that list, which should be.
7. Memorial Playing Field
7.1 The Work Group has not held a meeting since February. It awaits the results of the questionnaire. Mr Mellodey reminded the member of the Football Club present at the meeting that the Work Group needs the FC’s Development Plan. This will form part of the Business Plan for the new building. A formal Annual Meeting with the PC, FC and Mr N Robson will be arranged shortly.
8. Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
8.1 Selsey/Chichester Commuter Cycle route.
Mr Bedford reported that the scheme is moving forward towards submission to WSCC by 29th March 2018. This document, on the full potential route, will be included in WSCC’s list of potential cycle route schemes. The Chichester to Selsey route has already been accepted onto the list and members of the group have been informed that it is the most advanced of the options being considered. The Work Group must define the route, identify land owners to be negotiated with and obtain agreement, in principle, to the route. The northern section will serve the Free School, rather than Chichester Canal. This will be categorised as a modal improvement on the transport infrastructure of this area. It is thought that more would ride bicycles if they had a safer route.
8.2 Bus Shelter north of Lockgate Road.
Mr Bedford showed councillors a plan to prevent the incursion of vehicles over the pavement north of Lockgate Road and prevent flooding on the pavement. Cllr Montyn has been informed of the concept and Mr Bedford will send him the map and proposals to improve the corner. It would involve replacing the concrete curb, installing a buffer curb on the corner and then create a section of curbing north of the bus shelter. This would deter vehicles from mounting the curb and improve drainage of the road. The footpath will then need to be resurfaced. The package was put to WSCC some time ago and achieved approval at the time. However, the plan will now be resubmitted. The PC has S106 money which WSCC has allocated for curbing; it is hoped this money will help to speed the process. At present, the area is unsafe for pedestrians with lorries regularly mounting the curb.
8.3 Finger post at junction of Highleigh and Ham Roads.
A contractor has been appointed to replace the arm of the finger post.
9. Assets and Amenities Workgroup
9.1 Barrier Gate at MPF.
The Clerk has had one quote to repair the base of the barrier gate post for £2,046. This was thought excessive. The Clerk has contacted the company who supplied the gate and the contractor who installed the foundations at the time. Both will look at the problem and reply to the Clerk with a plan of action.
10. Consider Charitable Donations for 2017-2018.
The PC agreed to the following donations:
Good Companions Bus £145
Homestart £100
Samaritans £100
Sussex Legal Services £100
Citizens Advice Bureau £100
Air Ambulance £100
Unanimous decision.
11. General Data Protection Regulations.
The Clerk had circulated a draft Data Protection Policy from a template issued by SSALC. The Clerk was asked to contact other Parish Clerks to find councillors interested in a briefing from a GDPR consultant. It is hoped to have at least 20 councillors to help spread the cost of the session. The PC will decide on its Data Protect Auditor and associated documentation at its April meeting.
12. Letter from Greenwood Nursery re donation to parish
The Clerk had received a generous offer from Greenwood Nursery to donate a bench, tree or shrubs to the community through the PC. The letter had been circulated and several suggestions were made. The PC was mindful of not increasing its maintenance costs. A tree or a bench were favoured and to add to the community orchard was a possibility. The Clerk was asked to write to the Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group to ask their advice.
13. Finance
13.1 Income
13.1.1 Cathedral Signs (sign acknowledging grant from Ferry Farm on playground fence) £78.00
13.1.2 Mr Neil Kirby (plant remainder of hedge trees on MPG) £100
13.1.3 Mrs T MacIntyre (February salary) £504.16
Mr Harland proposed that items 12.1.1 to 12.1.3 be taken en bloc. All agreed.
14. Reports. None
15. Correspondence. None
16. Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting. None
17. Co-option of new Councillor for PC. The Clerk has been informed by CDC that no request for an election has been received and therefore the PC can proceed with co-opting a new member. The Clerk has posted a notice on the boards advertising the place and this will remain on the boards for one month.
Meeting closed at 8.50 pm